408 Victoria Crescent
Pincher Creek , Alberta T0K 1W0
Phone: 403-627-3118
Fax: 403-627-2210
Email: s-canyon@lrsd.ab.ca
Please join us for our Back to School BBQ next Thursday, September 12th!
It will begin at 5pm and take place on the back tarmac. Once all are served, we will have staff introductions. Teachers will then head to their classrooms and students will have the opportunity to tour parents through the school, Open House style. We look forward to welcoming families into our school.
Big thanks to our Booster Society for sponsoring and hosting this event. Many hands make light work. If you are available to volunteer, please contact Lindsey Koster by email at lindsey.c.koster@icloud.com or text 403-339-0295. There are a variety of roles to fulfill and Lindsey can share with you what would work best for you. Any additional support is appreciated. Thank you.
The BBQ is free and there will be a donation jar available should you wish to contribute to the school's Booster Society. Proceeds are used towards student learning in the classroom, as well as, covering some transportation costs for field trips.
408 Victoria Crescent
Pincher Creek , Alberta T0K 1W0
Phone: 403-627-3118
Fax: 403-627-2210
Email: s-canyon@lrsd.ab.ca